Basics of sketching or drawing - Drawing ideas

Basics of sketching or drawing


Here you will learn sketching.Some important things that you will need for learning drawing or sketching:

  • Sketchbooks
  • Bunch of pencils
  • Eraser
  • A pencil sharpener
  • Blending stamps
If you have some gray or black shade pencil it is really good for value sketching and for doing things of that nature but if not don't worry about it.

Now,we start with a simple objects.When you start you want to draw many different straight lines,upper to lower side,lower to upper side,left to right and right to left side.Draw circle in different manners.Practice these objects for draw straight lines very confidently.

When you shading an area really lightly move pencil.Shading is an important part of sketching.

You need to start thinking about and making things look realistic.


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