Bodice block pattern - Drawing ideas

Bodice block pattern

< p> Today, I will teach you to draw a 10-head bodice block or 10-head fashion figure.

The standard size for a bodice block is 12.5 heads but sometimes 10 head bodice block is used. I will teach you to step by step.

Firstly, we draw a vertical straight line of 10 inches and then draw horizontal lines at every 1 inches difference. Number out these horizontal lines from 0 to 10. The 0th line is head area, the 1st number line is chin level, the middle area of 1st and the 2nd number line is shoulder area, 3rd line is waist level, 4th line is hip level, 6th line is knee level and between 9th and 10th line is foot area.

Bodice block pattern

Now, we are starting to draw 10 head-bodice blocks. Mark Points half of 3/4th inches at 0th and 1st number line on both sides of straight vertical line the total area for a head is 3/4th inches. Draw two 3/4th inches horizontal lines between the 1st and 2nd number line on both sides of the vertical line. Mark the half of 1/4th inches line for a neck at chins and shoulders level. Mark the points of half inches for waist level at the 3rd number line on both sides of the vertical line. For hip, level marks the ends of 3/4th inches at the 4th number line.  Then draw a point at which a straight vertical line of 10 inches and a horizontal line of the 5th number are met. Now, at the 9th number line mark, a point at 1/4th inch on both sides of a vertical line from this point mark another point of 1/4th inch on the outer side of this point on both sides. Meet these points with the hip level at the 4th number line and at the centre of the 5th number line.

For drawing feet, mark the points of half inches on both sides at the 10th number horizontal line and make feet.

Now for drawing arms, Mark the points of half inches on the 3rd number line then from these points mark 1/4th inch point on the outer side of this point on both sides. At the 4th number line mark two points of 1/4th inches on both sides at the 2nd and 3rd number line. At the 2nd point of the 4th number, the line draws a half inches slightly italic line on the outer side and again a half inches line on the inner side. Now, at the 1st point of the 4th number line draw 1/4th inches lines in the same manner and make hands.

Bodice block pattern

At last, remove unnecessary lines. Now, a 10-head bodice block is ready.

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