Pixel art - Drawing ideas

Pixel art

Pixel art is digital art created by the software. It's a graphic aesthetic that originated from 8 and 16-bit computers. In most graphic arts, the palette of colours used is minimal.  

Purpose of pixel art  

Pixel art has its origins in early video games where resolution and palette restrictions were imposed by computer hardware limitations. Now pixel art is often used as a design choice for digital artwork.  

Is pixel art graphic design 

Today pixel art exists as a graphics style, where graphic artistic setup limitations and rules so the images will align with the expected, retro results.  

Do's and Don’ts of pixel art  



Use hue shifting 

Use the same hue 

Use Anti-aliasing 

Overuse anti-aliasing 

Have a limited colour palette 

Use lots of colours 

Ease in and out 

Use linear animation 

Pixel-perfect lines and curves 

Make jaggies and doubles 

Use a dark colour instead of black 

Use black for outlines 

Use contrast 

Use close-together shades 

Shade with form 

Pillow shade on pancake shade 

Outline exterior lines when rewired 

Outline everything 

Use simple flat colours 

Use a soft brush, gradient or blur tool 

Use a small canvas 

Use a large canvas 


Pixel art tips and tricks  

  • 1. Find a tool and stick with it  

  • 2. Be consistent with your style  

  • 3. Steal everything, don't plagiarize  

  • 4. Colours can make or break your art  

  • 5. Block in first, then add detail  

  • 6. Practice where it hurts  

  • 7. Less is more  

  • 8. Don't belittle yourself  

Which Paid or Free software is used for pixel art  

Paid Software  

  • 1. aseprite  

  • 2. pyxel edit  

  • 3. Adobe Photoshop  

  • Free software  

    • 1. GIMP  

    • 2. GraphicsGale  

    • 3. Piskel  

    • 4. KRITA  

    • 5. Paint.net  

    • 6. Lospec  

    • 7. Pikopixel for Mac/Linux/BSD  

    How do you make pixel art?  

    1. 1. Understand that pixels, tiny squares of a single colour, can make up a larger image. This is the first essential step to drawing pixel art.  

    1. 2. Decide on what resolution you want to emulate  

    1. 3. Determine a size for your pixels  

    1. 4. Choose a colour palette  

    1. 5. Create a grid and start placing pixel  

    How to draw a pixel heart?  

    Firstly, we draw horizontal and vertical lines to make small boxes of the same sizes. Then colour the boxes in heart shape manner with dark black pencil.  

    For more Art details Visit Abstract Art Mandala Art

    Pixel art

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